A Community That Cares
The Supply Room’s commitment to service excellence extends far beyond the walls of our warehouse. The Supply Room strives to make a difference in the communities we serve through sustainability, as well as partnerships with community, educational, and trade organizations.

Virginia Lottery Super Teacher Program Sponsor and Partner
2020 marked the 13th year of the Super Teacher Awards! Since 2008, The Supply Room has partnered with the Virginia Lottery on their Super Teacher Program. Over the past 13 years, the Super Teacher program has honored over 100 teachers and awarded $350,000 in prizes. Each year, a panel of distinguished educators and community leaders read through nearly one thousand nominations to select just eight Super Teachers. Each recipient receives $2,000 from the Virginia Lottery and a $2,000 credit towards supplies or furniture for his or her classroom from The Supply Room.

Special Olympics of Virginia
Since 2005, The Supply Room has been a partner and sponsor with the Special Olympics of Virginia. Each year, our employees participate in and fundraise for the Polar Plunge. We also organize teams of volunteers for the Summer Games.
Special Olympics provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.
Backpack Program
Each year, The Supply Room partners with our wholesaler to provide Virginia schools in need with backpacks filled with school supplies so children can come to school ready to learn.
Community Outreach
In addition to what our company donates, our employees regularly organize drives and donate to different organizations including collecting food for the local food bank run in the building adjacent to our headquarters; donating blankets, stuffed animals, and pillow pets to VCU’s Child Protection Unit; and collecting and donating toys to Toys for Tots.
Other organizations that The Supply Room and our employees frequently support include:
The Supply Room recycles approximately 700 tons of waste each year.
Our internal operations are also geared towards efficient use of resources, and supporting green initiatives wherever possible. Among these initiatives we recycle the following waste internally:
- We generate over 165 tons per year of cardboard from the furniture and office products that we sell. What we do not reuse, we send to a recycling plant in Madison, Virginia.
- We recycle more than two tons of plastic wrap that comes in our shipments along with other plastic packaging.
- Our white paper recycling program for all office staff generates roughly 11 tons that is recycled.
- 500 tons of wood from a variety of sources such as pallets, shipping material and used furniture is recycled.
- The Supply Room sends 18 tons of scrap metal annually to a recycler in our hometown of Ashland, Virginia, for disposal. This includes leftover material from orders, damaged metal products, computers, old metal assets, handling equipment, etc.